Planting seeds that grow.
The Burpee Foundation is committed to reducing hunger and promoting well-being through
investment in horticultural and agricultural projects across the US and around the world.
The Burpee Foundation was established in 2003 by
George Ball, when he became the sole owner of the
W. Atlee Burpee Company.
MILLIONs granted
The Burpee Foundation has granted approximately $8 Million since its inception to projects consistent with the mission of the organization.
The list of grantees includes a wide variety of organizations teaching the value of horticultural living and serving the underprivileged.

Recent Grant Recipients
NYC Urban fArms & Gardens
The Bridge Inc., Grow New York, the Horticultural Society of New York and other similar organizations in NYC and elsewhere, for developing and operating urban farms and gardens as well as horticultural educational programs for underserved populations.
vocational training in horticulture
Granted to the Horticultural Society of New York and The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society as well as Garden Time in Rhode Island for vocational training in horticultural skills of incarcerated and released prisoners.
“A business that has no vision of the
future — or the object of which is
mere money-making — would not be
worth a life’s work.”

Do you have a project?
We would love to hear about what you have in mind and find out if it fits within our mission.